Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 2 (Jan 26-Feb 1)

Week 2 (Jan 26-Feb 1)

Day 1
A. Complete 3 sets:
Goblet Pack Squats 10-12 reps (hold a loaded pack cradled at chest and squat deep as able, or hold a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest) video - Goblet Squat
Sumo Deadlift Highpull 10-12 reps (use KB or a water jug/dromedary bag or a weighted pack)
video - Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Burpees 8-10 reps Fast (full Burpee go down to ground, touch chest and hips to ground, get back up to standing and do a jump and clap hands overhead, that's 1 rep)
Plank Hold 1 min (from hands) video - Plank Hold
Rest 1 min between sets

B. Sandbag Getups (can substitute climbing rope bag or medicine ball) - complete 30 Sandbag Get ups for Time (do 15 per shoulder)
Video - Sandbag Getup

Day 2
A. Complete 3 sets:
Backpack cleans/Sandbag Cleans 10-12 reps, video - Sandbag Cleans
1 arm KB Press 8-10 reps  (substitute water dromedary bag and hold straps to press up) -
video - 1 arm KB Press
Sandbag Walking Lunges with Zercher Carry 20 alternating steps (hold sandbag cradled in front of shoulders and upper chest, can substitute by cradling a loaded backpack or duffle bag - focus on keeping chest and eyes up) video - Sandbag Walking Lunge Zercher Carry
Rest 1 min between sets

B. Tabata Push ups 
Do push ups for 20 secs, then rest 10 secs, do that 8 times total. Will take a total of 4 mins.
(Ensure full range of motion by touching chest to deck each rep, go either from toes or from knees as able to ensure chest to deck)

General Notes:
Warm up by doing 2-5 mins of easy pace running, biking or on a rowing machine to get the blood flowing. Then 5-10 mins of mobility (lax ball or foam roller) and stretching to any tight or stiff areas of your body. During the workout if you get the top number of suggested reps and can add weight, then add weight. If you can't get the minimum number of reps then decrease your weight.
Please post a comment if you are doing these workouts so I know how many people are following. Also post if you have a question about the workouts or have any comments and I will post a reply. Thanks and enjoy!

Week 1 (Jan 19-25)

Week 1 (Jan 19-25)

Day 1
A. Complete 3 sets:
Goblet Pack Squats 8-10 reps (hold a loaded pack at chest and squat deep as able, or hold a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest) video - Goblet Squats
Sumo Deadlift Highpull 8-10 reps (use KB or a weighted pack) video -
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Side plank hold for 30 secs each side, video - Side Planks
Rest 1 min between sets

B. Tabata Tuck Jumps
Do tuck jumps for 20 secs, then rest 10 secs, do that 8 times total. Will take a total of 4 mins. Focus on soft landing.
Video - Tuck Jumps

Day 2
A. Complete 3 sets:
Backpack cleans/Sandbag Cleans 8-10 reps, video - Sandbag Cleans
Scap Push ups 6-10 reps, video - Scap Push ups
Reverse Lunge Squats 12-16 alternating total steps (wear loaded backpack on front of torso or hold a DB in each hand) video - Reverse Lunge Squats
Rest 1 min between sets

B. Run/Sprint 30 secs, rest walk 1 min x 5 sets
(effort level each set should increase - 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% effort)

General Notes:
Warm up by doing 2-5 mins of easy pace running, biking or on a rowing machine to get the blood flowing. Then 5-10 mins of mobility (lax ball or foam roller) and stretching to any tight or stiff areas of your body. During the workout if you get the top number of suggested reps and can add weight, then add weight. If you can't get the minimum number of reps then decrease your weight.
Please post a comment if you are doing these workouts so I know how many people are following. Also post if you have a question about the workouts or have any comments and I will post a reply. Thanks and enjoy!