Week 6 Feb 23 - 29
Day 1
A. Complete 3 sets of:
1 arm Waiter Squats (aka. 1 arm Goblet Squat) 8-10 reps (use what you have available -small weight pack, rope bag, water jug, dumbbell or kettlebell) video - 1 arm Goblet Squat
Sumo Deadlift Highpull 8-10 reps (use what you have available - KB, water jug, or a weighted pack) video -
Rest 1 min between sets
B. Complete 3 sets:
5-7 Burpees (fast as able)
20 Situps
1 min Plank hold on hands
rest 1 min between sets
A. Complete 3 sets:
1 Leg Deadlift 10/per leg use either bodyweight or hold a water jug or KB or DB in hand that is touching the ground, video- 1 Leg Deadlift
1 arm KB Press 6-8 reps (sub water dromedary bag and hold straps to press up) - video -
Sandbag Walking Lunges 20 total steps - switch sandbag on shoulders half way- (hold sandbag over 1 shoulder and perform walking lunges, substitute by shouldering a pack over 1 shoulder or a medicine ball on 1 shoulder)
Video - Shouldered Sandbag Walking Lunges
Video - Shouldered Sandbag Walking Lunges
B. Sandbag Getups (can substitute climbing rope bag or medicine ball) - complete 50 Sandbag Get ups for Time (do 25 per shoulder)
Video - Sandbag Getups