Week 5
Day 1
A. Complete 3 sets:
Zercher Pack (Sandbag) Squats 10-12 reps (cradle a loaded pack at chest or sandbag and squat deep as able) video - Zercher
If you have access to a gym perform Goblet Squats by holding KB or DB, video - Goblet Squat
If you have access to a gym perform Goblet Squats by holding KB or DB, video - Goblet Squat
Bent Over Pack (Sandbag) Row 6-8 reps (Use pack, rope bag or sandbag. If you have access to a gym use a barbell)
video - Bent Over Row
L- Sit Hold - AMSAP hold for 1 set (amsap = as many secs as possible) video - L Sit
Rest 1 min between sets
Rest 1 min between sets
B. Complete 100 walking lunges for time (no weight) - record time and post to comments
Video - Walking Lunges
Day 2
A. Complete 3 sets:
Scap Push ups 6-8 reps
video - Scap Push ups
Reverse Lunge Squats 14-20 alternating total steps (cradle a loaded backpack in arms or hold a DB in each hand) video - Reverse Lunge Squats
Rest 1 min between sets
B. Run: Recovery pace
30 secs at 85% effort
30 secs at 50% effort
x 15 sets
*this will take 15 mins, substitute a rowing machine if available
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