Week 3 (Feb 2- 8)
Day 1
A. Complete 3 sets:
Zercher Pack (Sandbag) Squats 10-12 reps (cradle a loaded pack at chest or sandbag and squat deep as able) video - Zercher Sandbag Squats
Bent Over Pack (Sandbag) Row 6-8 reps (Use pack, rope bag or sandbag. If you have access to a gym use a barbell)
video - Bent Over Pack Rows
Burpees (fast) x 5 reps
Hollow Rocks x 20-40 secs, (do these on a stable but soft surface like a yoga mat or ensolite pad) video - Hollow Rocks
Rest 1 min between sets
B. Run/Sprint 1 min, rest walk 2 mins x 5 sets
(effort level each set should increase - 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% effort)
Day 2
A. Complete 4 Sets:
Pack or Sandbag Clean & Press 6-8 reps (Clean the pack/bag to your shoulders and then press the weight overhead) video - Sandbag Clean & Press
Overhead Walking Lunges 10-12 alternating steps (hold pack, rope bag or sandbag overhead while performing walking lunges) video - Sandbag Overhead Walking Lunges
Rest 1 min between sets
B. Tabata Situps
Do situps for 20 secs, then rest 10 secs, do that 8 times total. Will take a total of 4 mins.
Video - Tabata Situps
3.1 - at Y, used kettlebells, 35#, 52#, 52#. Could have gone up from 52, but that's as heavy as they got. Is it OK to use a barbell and front squat for these if done at a gym? Rows - barbell, 45#, 55#, 55#. Rest of workout felt fine, got through the lifting pretty fast, but took some time to warm up for the sprints - cold this morning.
ReplyDeleteSo here at midpines fit, Tabata has become a bit of a trigger word, we have yet to be able to complete an entire round of Tabata anything...we are feeling a little wimpy. To use an outward bound analogy, I think we are in need of something like a motivational letter from the parent, you know, something to the effect of "there is more in you than you know" maybe in the form of a video of someone completing an entire set of Tabata, just so we know it's humanly possible :) thanks so much for putting this together, we are loving it despite it totally kicking our butts, which I think is the point.